Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Toy-Car game
(Nov 2016 - Dec 2016)
Technology: Python
Implemented Deep Q-Learning from scratch to train a toy-car game player. Also, implemented Apprenticeship Learning for expert mimicking without explicit rewards.
GPU-based ADMM implementation for Robust PCA
(Oct 2016 - Dec 2016)
Technology: C++, CUDA
Implemented a GPU-based parallel version of Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM) for Robust PCA. The application was foreground-background separation, done using low-rank matrix approximation.
Automatic Musical Chord Recognition
(Oct 2016 - Dec 2016)
Technology: Python, Scikit-Learn, Keras
Built a machine learning based system for automatic chord recognition from raw audio. By exploiting chord-progression information, using LSTMs, obtained a classification accuracy of close to 74%.
C-- Compiler
(Feb 2016 - Apr 2016)
Technology: C, Flex, Bison
Implemented all the parts of a compiler - lexical analyzer, parser, semantic analyzer, type checker and code generator - for a C-like language (without pointers).
Othello Game Playing Bot
(Dec 2015)
Technology: Python
Designed an AI system using adversary search algorithms and scoring heuristics to play the game of Othello. Also wrote a Tic Tac Toe game for humans to play against an unbeatable bot.
Head over to the Research page to check out some of my research work!